As the Department Head (DH) of the Strategic Communications Discipline, NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence has the pleasure to host the NATO Strategic Communications Education and Training Annual Discipline Conference (ADC), which will take place from 24 to 25 April 2025 in Riga, Latvia

The purpose of the ADC is to meet once per year and discuss the changes, developments and challenges within NATO Strategic Communications discipline. The two-day conference serves as a bridge between different stakeholders, education and training solutions providers and nations to gain insights into existing and planned courses that can increase individual skills and understanding of stratcom and its capabilities and build valuable networks. Main goals of the ADC 2025 is to:

  • review and update NATO Strategic Communications (including Military Public Affairs, Information Operations, and Psychological Operations) Training Requirements;
  • review the existing Education and Training solutions, ensuring that they remain aligned with evolving requirements, needs, opportunities;
  • identify gaps and discuss the ways to close them; · discuss options to synchronize efforts and save resources (including instructor exchange and train the trainer initiatives);
  • continue to develop and coordinate the landscape of StratCom Education and Individual Training as well as Collective Training and exercises.