In this event a panel of experts discussed the security implications arising from the commercial trade of data with a focus on data brokers as the nexus of the data industry. Data brokers are companies that collect, aggregate and trade data. While poorly regulated and with little to no transparency, they control incomprehensible amounts of information about every aspect of our lives.

When aggregated at scale, this data can reveal patterns and enable inferences which can compromise integrity and threaten security of individuals and organisations. When traded without oversight, this data can easily end up in the wrong hands.
And when maliciously exploited, this data can be used for tracking, manipulation, extortion, and scamming.
During the webinar we presented our upcoming report on the risks and vulnerabilities related to data brokers from a military perspective.


  • Dr Tor E. Bjørstad - Application Security Lead, Mnemonic, Norway
  • Dr. Teo Yi-Ling - Senior Fellow, Centre of Excellence for National Security at RSIS, Singapore

Moderated by Kristina Van Sant, Research Associate, NATO StratCom COE, Latvia.

Watch it here.