
This article broadly examines the relationship between strategic communications and journalism with specific reference to the issue of violent extremism. Using a case study of reporting on the Boko Haram conflict in Nigeria, it analyses the nature and consequences of engagement among the various communicators involved. The primary data were drawn from focus groups and individual interviews with thirty-two journalists and strategic communicators, and from analysis of Boko Haram videos and Nigerian security forces’ press releases. The findings suggest that journalists have a tense but interdependent relationship with strategic communicators that is characterised by conflict and cooperation, harassment and intimidation. Strategic communicators’ control of the conflict theatre and use of the Internet to reach audiences directly give them leverage in the relationship. They, however, rely on journalists to help enhance the reach and credibility of their narratives, while journalists depend significantly on their media releases. 

Keywords— gatekeeping, journalism, news values, Boko Haram, violent extremism, strategic communications

About the Author 

Dr Abdullahi Tasiu Abubakar teaches Journalism at City, University of London. His research focuses on media audiences, strategic communications, cultural studies, conflict reporting, and journalism ethics. 


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