
Fuelled by Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the question of how authoritarian regimes like Russia seek to influence information domains of foreign states has received unprecedented attention within the disciplines of security and strategic communications. However, we have yet to examine more deeply the Russian conceptualisation of information space and the Kremlin’s ability to exert control over its domestic information domain. The present study contributes toward filling these gaps by providing a more holistic understanding of the term ‘information space’ as it appears in Russian scholarship, and by analyzing the effectiveness of the economic and legal tools used by the Kremlin to establish control over the domestic information space. Ultimately, the study finds that whilst the Kremlin has been able to exert considerable influence over content production and distribution in certain spheres of the broader information space, it clearly enjoys only limited control over the new, increasingly Internet-dominated spaces and environments. 

Keywords—Russia, information space, internet, media, Russian scholarship, information control, strategic communication, strategic communications


About the Author 

Natalya Kovaleva is a graduate of King’s College London Department of War Studies. Her current research explores strategic communications, media studies, and information warfare, with particular focus on Russia’s approaches to information warfare. 


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